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Africa Population Institute (API) is an institution of higher learning and transformation research to help Africa to achieve sustainable development. It deals with capacity building to enhance human resource performance. API has trained students from the 9 countries of Africa in tangible entrepreneurship, management and health skills It is licensed and accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education under the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act, Registration number TI.PL 0074.



Corporate Strategy

API is consolidating its activities in various Countries with a view to use these as a springboard to expand its operations within the rest of Africa. We are aiming at providing the present and long-term needs of our students, members and partners. We that all areas of concern especially NGOs, Public and Private sectors including hospitals, schools and also in local government administrations, must harness affordable capacity building. Our strategy is, where appropriate, incorporating both Capacity building expertise and Information Technology in whatever project undertaken to enhance the usefulness of the programs and project to the students, workers and the surrounding population in Africa.

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