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Term 1 (Year 1 Semester I)
APDBA 101 Financial Accounting
APDBA 102 Introduction to Economics
APDBA 103 Business Law
APDBA 104 Introduction to Computer Applications
APDBA 105 Business Ethics
Term 2 (Year 1 Semester II)
APDBA 201 Business Statistics
APDBA 202 Managerial Accounting
APDBA 203 Business Communication skills
APDBA 204 Accounting & Bookkeeping
APDBA 205 Elements of Human Resource Management
Term 3 (Year 2 Semester I)
APDBA 301 Production and Inventory Management
APDBA 302 Elements of Taxation
APDBA 303 Audit Practice and Procedures
APDBA 304 Information Technology
APDBA 305 Research Methods
Term 4 (Year 2 Semester II)
APDBA 401 Business Finance
APDBA 402 Marketing Principals
APDBA 403 Public Sector Accounting
APDBA 404 International Business Strategy
APDBA 405 Internship/ Placement for Industrial Training
@$200 Per Semester or its equivalent in the local currency as determined
Minimum Entry requirements: Certificates of Education of respective countries or its equivalent with at least 4 credits and principal passes
How to Apply: For Application and guidelines, come with 2 PP photos, Photocopies of academic documents and $15 or c call Head office on +256772836998
For details visit us on; www.africapopulation.net
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