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Minimum Entry requirements to the course

  • Uganda Certificate of Education with at least 4 credits or its equivalent
  • Must be fluent in both written and spoken English language
  • Work experience is an added advantage

Mode of Delivery/Instruction

Face to face lectures are conducted at the beginning and during the course of the semester and there is a new development in the mode of delivery through online resources, Learning materials are also provided through quality print modules/hand books. We are in the process of developing CDs, DVDs and VCDs.

Attendance and assignments

Students must participate in online discussion, take tests and submit assignments at the specified times. Students are expected to log in on their accounts regularly, that is; at least three times a week for the duration of each course. Students who do not log in for one week will receive a mailed notification and warning. The consistence of absence from face to face lecture and online dialogue will constitute an automatic disqualification and discontinuation from the course.

Students who do not submit assignments for a course will not be permitted to take the course examination and will be expected to redo the course when it is next offered. Tutors are not obliged to accept coursework’s submitted after the stipulated date nor to grant extensions. Late submission will automatically be subjected to reduction of one mark a day for the first 2 weeks of delay, for submission after a fortnight, an assignment will only receive 50% if it satisfies the examiner.

Examination Regulations

Some students who involve themselves in examination malpractices e.g. cheating, smuggling in notes, etc will be victimised. All students are strongly warned that cheating or attempting to cheat in Africa population institute Examinations may lead to dismissal from the Institute. Please note that course works, research or project assignments are also part of API Examinations. Copying or pirating other works (plagiary), or hiring another person to do one’s assignments is an Examination malpractice that may lead to dismissal from the institute.

The examination results of any student who has sat the examinations without being registered shall be nullified. Students are strongly warned against this. A student who has not attended up to 60% of the instruction time may be denied to sit period end examinations. Cases of impersonation, falsification of documents or giving false/incomplete information whenever discovered either at registration or afterwards, will lead to automatic cancellation of admission, revocation of awards where applicable and prosecution in the courts of laws.

Course Duration, Assessment and Grading System

The course takes three months. Assessment tests and course work are done in the middle of the term and contribute 40% towards the final grade. The final exam is done at the end of the months and contributes 60%, to the total marks which is 100%. The final grades are streamlined as follows.

Letter % Standard & Guideline Grade Descriptions
Grades Equivalent Grade
A 80 – 100 Exceptional Work of distinguished quality which is based on a very extensive
5.0 reading and which demonstrates an authoritative grasp of the
concepts, methodology and content appropriate to the subject and to
the assessed task. There is clear evidence of originality of thought and
the ability to synthesize materials, think analytically and to synthesize
material effectively.
B+ 75-79 Excellent Work which clearly demonstrates all the qualities of “B” but which
4.5 reveals greater insight and more originally.
B 70-74 Very Good Work which demonstrates and above average level of understanding
4.0 of concepts, methodology and content appropriate of the subject and
which draws on a wide range of referenced resources. There is clear
evidence of critical judgment in selecting, ordering and analyzing
content. Demonstrates some ability to synthesize material and to
construct responses which reveal insight and may offer some
occasional originality
B- 65-69 Good Work which contains most of the qualities of a “B” grade but the
3.5 critical judgment is less developed and there is less insight and
C 60-64 Pass Work with the qualities of a “C” grade but containing a greater degree
3.0 of critical analysis and original insight
D 55-59 Satisfactory Work derived from a good basis of reading and which demonstrates a
2.5 grasp of relevant materials and key concepts and the ability to
structure and organize arguments. The performance in assessment
may be routine but the work will be accurate, clearly presented and
written and include some critical analysis and a modest degree of
original insight. There will be no serious omissions or irrelevancies
E 50-54 Marginal Work that demonstrates more of the qualities of a “E” grade but which
Pass contains less of critical analysis and little or original insights
F Below 50 Fail Work which fails in significant respects to meet the criteria. And here
0.0 – 1.5 students are advised to re do the work on aspect of organization and
presentation and show evidence for understanding some of the key


API Online Library


API has secured open access books and journals to download or read online, all students enrolled for programs at API have 24/7 access to the content server and databases which provide thousands of materials related to the courses offered. Each student is given a username and passwords that enable them access such resources. There are also open education resources for universities and other tertiary institutions free online and accessible for our students such as emerald insights and Mendeley which are instrumental for virtual education and ABM Education Accreditation in United Kingdom


The program’s aim is to educate professional social workers as well as students who are likely to become NGO leaders in a complex, diverse, and multicultural society, and possess the knowledge and skills necessary to address the needs and potentials of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Therefore this means that attaining expertise in social work field emphasizes the engagement of personal and community strengths as fundamental to the understanding, treatment, and prevention of individual and social problems. The program intentionally prepares social workers/students who can effectively and ethically lead human service efforts to enhance human well-being and productivity help alleviate poverty, and strengthen social justice.

Some of the goals for establishing this course include; to help students work actively to promote social justice, make professional decisions and perform professional functions that are informed by an understanding of the political context of practice, to prepare graduates for competent practice which integrates theory and research as well prepare graduates who have a generic foundation of core social work knowledge, values and skills, applicable to all fields and methods of practice. Social Work graduates work in a wide variety of jobs, including as community development workers, therapists, counselors, case managers, field workers, youth workers, probation officers, social workers, hospital social workers, service coordinators, policy analysts and researchers.

API Comprehensive course on NGO Management and operations

Each course unit offered in this course has specific contact hours which are a measure used to indicate the relative weight given to an individual course in a relation to fulfilling the course. In order to complete the program of the study successful, students must achieve the required number of lecture hours (LH) just like one tutorial hour (TH) is equal to one contact hour and two practical hours (PH.


Period Course Code Course Name Contact
Term one NGM 101 Fundamentals of NGO Management and operations 15
NGM 102 Social Work theory & Social Anthropology 15
NGM 103 Project Planning and Management 15
NGM 104 Computer Applications 15
Term NGM 201 Rural Sociology & Fundamentals of Social Admin 10
Two NGM 202 Organizational development & Management 10
NGM 203 Human Resource management 10
NGM 204 Negotiation and Mediation skills 10
Term NGM 301 Research Methodology 8
Three NGM 302 Community Psychology & Development studies 8
NGM 303 Information management and Technology 8
NGM 304 Disaster preparedness and Management 8
Recess NGO 401 Management of welfare services 15
Term NGO 402 Occupational Health and Safety 15
NGO 403 Monitoring and Evaluation 15

@$120 Per Term or its equivalent in your local currency as determined


How to Apply: For Application and guidelines, come with a PP size photo, Photocopies of academic documents and $15 or Watsapp Head office on +256 772 836998

API, a Citadel of Innovations and Excellency in Transforming Generations, Together We Can

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