Important Communication for end of 2020
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Standardized Tuition Fees
Dear Student
Please be informed that API Management has come up with the new standardized tuition fees for all the unpaid dues from this date the 16th December 2020. $200 = 80,000 SSP, 630,000 Ugx, 20,000 Ksh for the diploma per semester, the rest have not changed.
For those who missed the graduation, You can watch it on recorded zoom link
Passcode: k31PHEP*
Those who graduated over the previous years and have never picked their documents, please endevour to pay all the pending dues and request them accordingly. The continuing students are also reminded to prepare for the forth coming exams scheduled for Feb 2020. Watch out for the timetable coming up soon.
Wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year 2021. Stay safe from Covid, Wash your hands, Use masks and sanitize regularly coupled with social distancing.
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